This week saw the launch of O’Donnell Moonshine’s first ever Premium Vodka. Triple distilled and made using only the finest ingredients, our Vodka offers a crystal clear 40% alcohol spirit, with unrivalled smoothness, making it the perfect addition to a whole array of classic cocktails, the perfect pairing for many of our Moonshine flavoured varieties, or, as vodka is traditionally served, a smooth and simple drink over ice.
But what is the difference between vodka and Moonshine? What is vodka made from? How is it made? And what makes O’Donnell Moonshine Vodka so special? Keep reading to find out more!
What is Vodka?
Vodka is a colourless, unaged, and distilled alcoholic beverage, known for it’s typically high alcohol percentage, neutral flavour and clarity, all of which make it a great base for a wide array of popular cocktails.
The only strict guidelines when it comes to distilling vodka pertain to its alcohol by volume (abv) or proof. Since the 1890s, a standard vodka has been defined as having a minimum 40% abv in the USA or 37.5% in Europe.
What is Vodka Made of?
Although the most famous base for vodka distillation is probably the humble potato, there are actually very few limits on what you can make vodka from. The vast majority of well known Vodkas (including O’Donnell Moonshine Vodka) are, like whiskey, grain based.
However, unlike whiskey, there are no strict regulations on what you make your vodka from.
The United States Code of Federal Regulations defines vodka as
“Neutral spirits so distilled, or so treated after distillation with charcoal or other materials, as to be without distinctive character, aroma, taste, or colour.”
Although the increasing trend for flavoured and even coloured vodkas has seen the stipulation for neutrality to be dropped from most definitions.
In short, vodka can be distilled from virtually any starchy food, with modern brands using base ingredients such as grapes (Ciroc), rye (Zubrowka), honey (Comb Vodka), and even maple sap (Vermont Gold).
While some vodkas include additives such as botanicals, spices, or flavourings, pure vodka can be made using just three ingredients. Water, grain (or other base material) and yeast.
So, How is Vodka Different from Moonshine?
Much like with whiskey, the answer to this is very much one of definitions. Although there are fewer restrictions on vodka production than say, whiskey (or whisky - which is simply whiskey that is specifically oak barrel aged and distilled in Scotland), as stated above, there are still regulations that need to be met for a spirit to be classified as vodka.
Moonshine on the other hand, is subject to no such strict regulation.
Although Moonshine purists would claim that Moonshine must be an illegally distilled, unaged, and high percentage, corn based whiskey, bottled in a mason jar, there are actually no regulations when it comes to the production of Moonshine.
This is of course, in no small part due to the clandestine history of Moonshine (which even lends its name to being distilled under the cover of darkness to avoid the detection of authorities). However, this lack of regulation is also the reason for Moonshine’s reputation as an ‘unsafe’ drink, as the lack of regulation, and thus safety standards, led to many dangerous practices and unsafe products being distributed throughout the US period of prohibition.
At O’Donnell Moonshine, we are committed to preserving the rebellious and adventurous spirit of the world's most notorious spirit. We are committed to pushing boundaries with our innovative flavour combinations, and, as a nod to our prohibition era inspiration, even bottle our spirits in traditional mason jars.
However, as with our namesake (infamous gang leader and bootlegger Spike O’Donnell) we are also committed to quality. All of our spirits, including our new Vodka, are made using only the finest ingredients. All of our drinks are also triple distilled to ensure the purest and smoothest drinking experience possible.
And What Makes O’Donnell Moonshine Vodka so Special Anyway?
Vodka may be a new venture for us here at O’Donnell Moonshine, but we have approached the production of our vodka with the same keen eye for quality and attention to detail that we put into the production of all of our Moonshine varieties. Our Vodka is a certified Bio Vodka. To achieve this status, vodkas must be produced using only the finest organic ingredients and must be produced following strict regulations.
Like all of our Moonshines, our vodka is triple distilled and filtered, to ensure the ultimate clarity and smoothness, resulting in a final vodka that offers an unbeatable drinking experience, whether that’s in cocktails or neat over ice.
Quick Questions
When and where was vodka invented?
There is much debate about the exact origins of Vodka, however it is widely accepted to have been invented in either Poland in the eighth century or Russia in the ninth century.
However, in modern terms, the first rectification distillery was opened in Poland in 1871, beginning the production of what would be recognised as the vodka of today.
Where does the name ‘vodka’ come from?
Although the origins of vodka may be up for debate, the word vodka itself comes from the Russian ‘voda’, meaning water.
How should vodka be stored?
You should avoid exposing your vodka to direct sunlight or excessive heat. Once opened, ensure you keep your vodka tightly sealed between uses. Always store in a cool, dark place.
Does vodka need to be refrigerated?
Usually no. However, some flavoured vodkas may require refrigeration if they contain perishable ingredients such as fresh fruit or dairy products.
As a traditional, flavourless, grain based vodka, O’Donnell Moonshine Vodka does not require refrigeration.
What is the shelf life of vodka?
An unopened bottle of traditionally made vodka, if stored correctly, should last for decades. Once opened, it will last for 10 to 20 years. Flavoured or coloured vodkas have a shorter shelf life ranging from six months to two years after opening.
How should vodka be served?
Traditionally, vodka is served neat, either chilled, or on the rocks. It is also a very common base for a huge amount of cocktails.
How many calories are there in a shot of vodka?
Vodka generally contains fewer calories than other alcoholic drinks, as it contains 0g of protein, fat, or carbohydrates.
An unflavoured, 40% ABV vodka will generally contain approximately 55 cals per 25ml measure (or 110 cals for a double).
Is vodka vegan?
Yes! All traditionally produced vodkas (including O’Donnell Moonshine Vodka) are by their very nature vegan.
Generally, higher quality, and pure vodkas include very few ingredients. If you are buying a vodka liqueur or flavoured vodka, it is worth checking the ingredients for any non vegan additives.
Is vodka gluten free?
Yes! Due to the distillation process, pure vodka is gluten-free, even when made using wheat, barley, or rye. This is because the gluten proteins in the base material do not evaporate during distillation and are therefore removed from the final spirit.
However, people with a severe gluten allergy should still exercise caution when buying wheat-based spirits due to the risk of cross contamination.
Some flavoured vodkas may also use ingredients which reintroduce gluten to the final product, so if in doubt check with the manufacturer.
O’Donnell Moonshine Vodka is gluten free.
Which cocktails include vodka?
Due to the versatility and wide availability of vodka, it would probably be easier to create a list of the cocktails that are not vodka based.
Some of the most notable and popular vodka cocktails include:
- Classic Vodka Martini
- Cosmopolitan
- Traditional Bloody Mary
- White Russian
- Vodka Tonic
- Screwdriver
- Espresso Martini
- Pornstar Martini
- Moscow Mule
- Black Russian
Now Available O'Donnell Moonshine Pornstar Martini Cocktail Bundle
What is the difference between cheap and more premium vodkas?
Premium vodkas are made from higher quality ingredients and undergo more filtration, resulting in less impurities and a smoother taste.
O’Donnell Moonshine Vodka is made using only the finest non GMO wheat, and triple distilled to ensure optimum purity and smoothness. Our vodka is free from additives, colourants and flavourings.